Friday, June 27, 2003

Rant's apleanty,so get ready.

1]Recently there has been more attention paid to the Columbia shuttle tragedy.This is both good and bad.I believe that America and the world should know what happened,we should be informed and educated so we can prevent further tragides such as this one.The downside to the coverage lies with the people who believe we should just give up on the space program.I have said it time and agian,and i'll say it again here.We need the space program.We need NASA.The space program is one of the thigns that makes this country great.Long ago,it seems,whenever a shuttle or a rocket went up,it was top story on the news,and it was all anyone talked about for days.Now,you'd be lucky to see any coverage at all of space related topics.Maybe the news will show a few seconds of the launch on it's ending montage for the night.This is wrong.We must show the skeptics how important it is for us to reach for the stars.In times like these,we must have dreams and imagination.NASA and the shuttle program made us all feel like the universe was at our doorstep,and sadly this country has forgoten it.Do you know how amazing the space shuttle is alone? It is one of,if not the most complex piece of machinery on the planet.Has anyone seen how amazing it is once a shuttle is in space? It is indescrible...beyond belief.Granted I have never been close to being an astronuat,but what I have seen from video alone makes it amazing.The views,the of it all is something that we can not take for granted.But it will all go away if these skeptics have there way.If we don't do something soon,we will have a very bleak unimagineitve future ahead of us.We can't forget the sacrifice those brave souls made on that mission.Not returning to the stars would be a diservice to the memory of them.

2]The management....most of the managment at Jim Hanley's Universe is flawed.Flawed and just plain fucked up.The way the store is being run now is not the way to manage a business.Of the 20 or so employees of the stores,there are 10 managers.10.Why? That is unessacarry and to top it off,none of them do a great job,noe with the excpetion of a about 3,maybe 4.The managers disagree with each other constantly,which contributes to the fact that nothing gets acomplished,or it gets acomplished with a pace that is slower then the kids on the special bus.Employee input is rarely listned to and comforts are few and far between.How can you expect employees to want to work in a store in the middle of a June heat wave with no air conditioning in the store.Not only is it a discomfort,but it can be dangerously unhealthy.How do the managers expcect to make money when the idea of an online store seems alien to them? For a business that operates from two locations,an online store would seem to be a damn good idea.But no,the management trudges alone on their 56k modems with a 1980's fax machine to sned inventory sheets to each store,while a much more efficent digital register with counter already installed would not only be cheaper in the long run,but would allow employees to focus on customer support.Employees are not properly trained.This is not good when a customer asks for a product or has a question regarding something,but the employee canot help them becuase they couldn't be trained due to the fact that managment was to busy stuffing their mouths with food.It is due to these facts and many,many others that if changes are not soon implemented,I will indeed be preparing my resume`.

3]The Batman/Hush/Superman/Luthor storyline is one of the best storylines i've ever read and it has barely,barely started.The "new" Harvey Dent is not Harvey Dent.I do not believe that the bat crew would abondon a character as good as two-face that easy.One possible therory is Harvey went for a trip in the Lazarus pit,and it won't last.Ra's Al Ghul is not Hush,nor do I believe he has a big role in this.The main culprit is Luthor.Luthor is running everything,I mean everything.It's almost scary.This will undoubtdly drive Superman mad.At the end of this storyline,I belive the body count will be high,and costly.More Later.

Thursday, June 12, 2003

You're Cherry Jones Soda! Everybody wants a little
bit of you. You're everyone's favorite.

What's Your Flavor? Jones Soda Flavor That Is...
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Red 2x4
Red 2x4 brick

You're the average red 2x4 that people always reach
for first whenever they are making a house.
Everyone has tons of you, yet for some reason
almost no one can manage to make an entirely
red house.

What Lego piece are you?
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How straight edge are you?

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