So I think it’s time I chime in on this media mess we’ve all been subjected too for the past few weeks.
First and foremost, in regards to the music-freak, I have no respect for anything that molests kids(and don't give me, "allegedly", it happened. Saying it, "allegedly" happened is like saying Jupiter is, "allegedly" a planet.), I honestly don't. Speaking of which, shouldn't the cast of Law And Order: SVU be releasing a statement now since everyone else from Earth To Hoth has at this point? Mr. President, I love ya man, but really? This? Aren’t there more pressing issues facing the nation at this point?
So it (that's what I’m calling "him") sold a bunch of records and danced a bit(Moonwalk? really? Neil Armstrong did not do that, he kind of bounced and hopped)...that doesn't allow all the right to child abuse. I don't understand how anyone can look past that. I really don’t.
There was a catcher for the Yankees, Jim Leyritz, who was a huge part of their '96 championship run. I was a fan of his since '93, I followed him a bit even after he was traded. Last year he drunk drove and killed someone, now I’m not fan. Some may find that wrong. I’m not sorry to say, that when you break the law and knowingly kill or injure someone, I lose respect for you.
No amount of money that Jackos legal team threw at those kids will truly erase those scars. And those are just the kids that came forward. Who knows how many didn't? Money doesn't heal all. They settled with his plaintiffs out of court. Unless you had something to hide, why would you do that? Especially when you have the money and the power to shut anyone up? Whoever doesn’t believe it happened or has looked over it is both blind and ignorant.
Why does everyone want to clear it’s past because it’s dead now? Being dead doesn't negate the fact that it did a lot of bad things. I’ve never liked jacko.
You can argue that “he” did a lot for music and should be celebrated for it. Well, in that same vein, Saddam did a lot for nerve gas and mass genocide, so why not celebrate him too?
The world should not come to a halt because some celebrity who was out of their mind died. I don't see L.A. being shut down because a teacher or a soldier died, and I can tell you those people did a hell of a lot more for the planet than this freakshow.
Now you can say that the soldiers and teachers aren’t "public figures" and that people have a tough time grieving for something they can't put a face or a name to. A friend of mine said; “They, sadly, don't feel any connection to these people for whatever reason but with celebrities, they do because they "see" them on a constant basis. Invite them into their homes and cars.” This is total proof as to how royally messed up our values have become.
This is not to say that I am not guilty of following a celebrity, HOWEVER, to completely alter my life around one is beyond me. How can people call this…thing...a role model? How is dangling your own innocent newborn over a balcony forgivable?! If that was me, I’d be tossed in prison and be meeting Jimmy John in the back of my cell. Celebrity should not give one free reign to act as if there are is no law.
Somewhere along the line, our values and standards got really, really fucked up. When I turn on Eyewitness news here in New York, I want to see New York news, like information on subway fare hikes, not two New York reporters covering this love in out in L.A. Ratings be damned, what happened to real journalism?
And god forbid anyone say anything negative about jacko, because if they do, they’ll be viewed as the most horrible person on the Earth. So to the 9 or 10 other people out there who have defied the norm and spoke the truth, I salute you.
This is getting entirely too much attention and it is completely undeserved. So call me the worlds biggest cynic, but i do not feel an ounce of pity here.
This all leads me into my next bone of contention. While I may be a bit late commenting on it to the masses, The whole Letterman vs. palin crap really set me off. First off, Dave never said "rape", palin and her morons made that up. Second, what right does she have to preach about family values when for starters her daughter got knocked up, and second, she’s charging rape victims in Alaska for rape kits? Pot calling the kettle black there?
Third is the fact that Dave is a COMEDIAN. he's supposed to make jokes, it's what they all do. I don't see anyone getting annoyed at Leno or Stewart when they make a joke about them. People get waaaay to easily offended nowadays, and often times it’s over nothing! All they do is protest this and that. Does it ever do anything? Sometimes it does minute things. But yea, most of the time its pointless. And then the parents wonder why the kids turn out frigged up. It's because while the parents were complaining, they weren't raising Billy and Janey and then Billy got shot and Janey got high and crashed the car.
I don't understand how a parent can get annoyed about a few people boning on a show while they let the son or daughter watch "24", nothing against that show, just saying...if i had the choice, I’d rather have my kids see the natural act of doin' it sideways instead of Keifer torturing someone. The U.K. has no problem with naked news, why can't we have that? If I saw some naked girl tell me the economy is in the toilet, I’d damn well take it better then if Wolf Blitzer told me, and if a lady wants to see a naked guy, or a guy wants to see one, more power to them, nudity for all, except Wolf Blitzer. No one, and I mean no one, needs to see that.
Whatever happened to free speech and freedom of expression? I don't get it. Look, I can't stand eminiem, and even though what I think he does is sometimes sexist and racist, he's got every right to say it. You know what I do? I turn the dial. Or I change the channel, and I put on something I want to see and a few moments later I forget about him.
I have another friend who is very into be what many would call an activist. After our “mayor” decide he was gonna close firehouses, this guy went out and essentially started a grassroots campaign to keep them open. When the whole palin crap started, did he get distracted by a fight that he knew was pointless? No! He kept doing what he was doing, fighting a battle that was worthwhile, and ya know what? He succeeded! And that was worth fighting for.
Now while I know that was long winded and at times overly wordy, damn it felt good. So throw your shoes at me if you want, but I don’t feel sorry about what I’ve said.