Sunday, January 19, 2014

Waiting To Pound The Miracle Button

I'm a dreamer. I beleive in miracles, I guess I get that from my mother. Yesterday woulda been her birthday. I'd like to think she'd believe in the miracle of me getting as far as I have with all got 10 fingers...whew.

Its not been easy. I've been burned, physically and emotionally (yeah, i know, "woe is me", but this is me writing not you.), as well as frozen (last week when it was oh...-349 degrees comes to mind). I've been strug out, strained, broken and crushed. I've been all but melted and rebuilt from the ground up.

While its not any different or any worse then what others have gone through, its been my battle, so for others to belittle it is bothersome, and to them i kindly extend my demented middle finger as a sign of my not not giving a damn.

Throughout this all, ive learned a few mighty truths.

The past will never, ever truly go away, so stop trying to make it, stop trying to forget it and learn from it. I'm serious. The farther you attempt to run from something the quicker that the "something" will catch up. Trust me, I know about running. I'm the lunatic who runs when its 204 degrees out. (I like it when I sweat so much my clothes stick to me like a superhero. Woooosh!!)If an issue from the past, be it good or bad, confronts you, charge at it might find the result to be surprising. The past is vitally, and yes, sometimes achingly important. It reminds us how to build for the future, and reminds us of where we came from, maybe not in the form of a physical place, but in the form of an experience. It the best instruction manual you can use, and since you wrote it, you can read it in whatever damn language you want.

Variety is not always the spice of life. After going down the cookie aisle at the supermarket, I once again noticed a new flavor of Oreo, bringing the current total to....329223. This is more absurd then wearing underwear backwards so the fart escapes via the pee flap.(don't try this at home, try it at work.) This absurd amount of variety is breeding a society so bored with what we have for 5 minutes that it "needs" something new in 3 minutes, which it will then get bored with just as fast, leading to more stressed out workers, who will then never to engage in watercolor conversation about who has an uglier set of argyle socks. 

Technology is not always a good thing. Leave it to a fictional character voiced by James Earl Jones, but when Darth Vader said, "Don't be too proud of this technological terror you've constructed...", he likely had no clue it would resonate so well almost 40 years later. People laud the e-book, but fail to realize the printed book didn't have to run on battery, and when it got wet, all ya had to do was dry it out. They probably didn't realize that by downloading books, the publishers, book binders, and book store workers(myself included), would be out of work. Give me a 4 pound hardcover any day of the week. I'll use it to keep me dry in a storm, then read later while you get an electrical shock from your now soaked nook.

Scary is good. While not always true, more often then not, the old adage of, "the things we are most scared of are the most worth it." is usually spot on...keep in mind this does NOT apply to eating bugs or licking batteries. But being scared of that girl or guy, for whatever reason is not worth the fear. Break through the wall and be a hero, to at least yourself. You'll find that it was worth it, and while it might take a bit, it is worth pushing past the fear. Fear is nothing more then a stuck jelly jar. Its always easier...and far more satisfying to open with a sledgehammer.

While I'm not a philosopher, I do play one on I was on TV. Thats not true. I'd probably play a firefighter...or a race car driver. Or a male cheerleader. Regardless, its possible these could work, but being one who applies to the method of, "not following ones advice"...I might not be so sure. I would like to find out, I would also like to find out what Pepsi Cheetos taste like to. Theres only one way to find out...and maybe, just maybe, i'll get that miracle.