I woke up today,got dressed and went to Hanley's like I do every wednesday to get my comics.I checked the weather first,75 degrees and Sunny."Awesome",I say.So I decide to wear my Ghostbusters ringer.I got to the train station 4 blocks away,and just as i'm about to get on the train,I look up.Cloudy."Must just be passing over",I think to myself.So,i'm hanging out in Hanley's and I llok outside again.It's getting dark.I look at my watch and it says 5:00pm.Then it gets sick windy.Then it starts to rain.Then it stops and it's sunny,the it gets dark again,then sunny,then dark with a torrential downpour.Damn el nino.And I couldn't even get my comics casue the holiday delayed the shipment.It's good anyway,caus I don't want the comics to get wet.Anyway,I came home soaked.But it's all good in a few minutes cause "That 80's show" is on!!!! Kick ass!!
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