Friday, September 23, 2005

Ok...racists...fuck off. It's getting old. So you don't like Black people, you don't get along with Jewish people. It's the 21st fucking century. There is nothing wrong with them, you're the ones who are screwed up and wrong. DEAL WITH IT. Be a normal respectable human like the rest of us. You'd be surprised what you can learn from forigen cultures too, some of that stuff is good, you should get on it. Use that part of your brain that lets you have a heart. It's there for a specific purpose. USE IT.

You moody bipolar whiny overly emotional crybabies. I have zero, I repeat zero sympathy for you. So what if it's cloudy out? It's not a reason to be sad and whiny. If you really hate the world and your life that much, do us all a favor and kill yourself. Matter of fact, do it on national TV. It'll make TV fun for us all again, because frankly no one really gives a shit which celebrity is fat and what a bum from Nebraska is doin on a tropical island. We really don't care. We, as a people like the ambient noise that this shit creates.

The people who refuse to talk to others because of their political affiliation need to be beaten in the back of the head with a sharpened basbeball bat dipped in Arsneic. So I don't like republicans...BIG FUCKING DEAL. In the course of our friend,realtion, or family ship, it's not goint to matter as much as you all think it will who I support. Unless of course the next president decides to put us all on a rocket to shouldn't care what bureaucratic blowhard signs a bill that will give a 90 year old medication to get laid. If you don't want to talk to someone because they have a different political opnion then yours, or if you want to dislike that person I want you to find the nearest gabage disposer, shove your leg in it and turn it on.

All of you oeverly hyped up, stressed out people are annoying. So you can't afford to get more bling on your hummer...I hope you and your hummer go rolling down a hill in a big ball of flame. There are people in the gulf section of America who don'ty even have a home. Yes, thats right, America. Not Iraq, not South Africa, AMERICA. Helping others is indeed nice, but we need to help us right now. Sitting on our asses and disscussing things in committees...surprise...gets jack shit done. So put the pen down, stop gassing up your BMW and roll up your sleeves and do something.

If you have a job, or a title, you need to fufill said position and lead with a stong, firm, but respectful hand. You need people on your said and a diplomatic soloution to 95% of the problems you could face. If you can't do this you need to be tossed into a vat of sulfuric acid in front of your family.

Oh, and we live in a day in age where we have cell phones, regualr phones, email, IM, text messaging, snail mail, smoke signals, and cans with string. So when it comes to contacting someone...if you don't want to talk to someone, simply say that. Don't leave them hanging. It really makes you look like a complete and utter idiot. The "to busy excuse" doesn't fly any more either. AS noted just a few short words ago, we have many forms of communication nowadays. USE THEM.

This being said, Fuck all.

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