Sunday, December 25, 2005

Its 3am on Christmas and i'm dog tired but can't sleep for some reason so bear with me here...

Christmas. "Most wonderful time of the year" they say. Well who is "they" excatly? Is it the greedy corporations that will do anything and everything to cash in an extra buck? Is it the people who write the overly sappy holiday songs just becase they think it will cement them? Is it the sidewalk Santas who will no doubt ring their bell in your ear to get a few pennies for the red cross? No one really seems to know whos idea it is that this is the "most wonderful time of year." Is it really wonderful though?

Think of it this way, more stress, accidents, suicides, foreclosures and just genreal bad luck events take place this time of year. Now before you say to yourself "oh great another holiday downer.", I offer you the information that I don't intend for this to be a "down" writing.

Many people, myself included seem to have lost the christmas spirt as its affectionately called. I suppose this happens whence you hit a certian age or have a specific major life event occour. Whatever it may be, something inside you takes away that wonder and magic that you had before. Its not fair that it happens but it does. Yet, you know that deep down inside, tucked away...its still there, waiting for something amazing to happen to awaken it....or just maybe waiting for something tinily good to awaken it.

People complain and moan about traffic and crowds and say they'd be better off without them. Not nessacarilly true. Those crowds and that traffic is all going to, in some way put those extra few bucks for that christmas present in your pocket. That person who just cut you off might be rushing to their job at the mall to better serve you. Someone in that crowd will have enough kindness in their heart to help guide your lost little brother or sister back to you. In some way, everyone of the things you find troublesome will help you or someone you care about.

That hidden christmas spirit shows it self in weird, little ways sometimes. That little spark inside you that wants to be a kid again can be re-lit, you just have to beleive in the goodness of humankind.

Lots of people claim they are alone. This is not true, everyone has a friend, espeically this time of year, and as it was so excellently put in the classic, "Its a Wonderful Life", "No man[or woman] is a failure who has friends." You are not alone, especially at christmas.

For those of you who are thinking i've lost I said, its 3am on christmas and I havent slept well lately. Good night and Merry Christmas.

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