Saturday, December 07, 2002

Besides the fact Young Justice is being cancelled and turned into a new crapy book which pisses me off to no end,there is another thing that has been gettin on my nerves.It's the "wind chill".For those of you who don't know what the wind chill is,It is a weather term for factoring in how the temperture is with the wind.An example is: "It is 34 outside right now,but with the wind chill it feels like 22." If it fucking feels like 22 FUCKING IS 22 OUT!!! stop wasting my time with the damn wind chill!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's 22...not 34,not 35,if it feels like it is 22,it is 22!! Fuck the wind chill and fuck the wind chill's friend,the heat index,which is basicly the wind chill if its hot out.If the weather person says it's 99 but if you factor in the heat index it feels like 109,it's one hundred and fucking nine out.Your not fooling anyone.So next time you watch the weather and the mention wind chill or heat index,think of what I said.

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