Supposedly all blog type things are required to have these dumb things so here we go:
Current location:New York City.
Nicknames: Ehhh...
Sex:With who?
Eye color:Blue.
Hair color:Brown.
Height: 5'10...I guess...
Occupation:Soulless lackey to an unforgiving employer.
My hair:Brown.
My weakness:Who knows.
My fears:Bush running for office again and winning.
One thing I would like to achieve:To be content & happy in my entire life.
My personality traits: I'm me.
My most over used phrase:"Keen"
The first thing I notice in the opposite sex:Eyes.
My best physical feature:I got nothin'
My greatest accomplishment:I'll let you know if it happens.
My good luck charm:Ain't got one.
The color of my bedroom carpet:Grayish Blue.
Pepsi or Coke:Pepsi.
Sprite or 7 Up:7Up.
McDonalds or Burger King:A&W.
Adidas or Nike: Meh, sports gear?None.
Chocolate or Vanilla:Chocolate
Coffee or Tea:Tea.
Cappuccino or Frapuccino:Hot Cocca.
Boxers or Briefs:Boxers.
Pants or Shorts:Pants.Shorts suck.
Dr. Pepper or Dr. Whatever: Um... choice two is wha?
Computer or Television:Both.
Rain or Sun:Run.
Spring or Winter:Winter.Spring has bugs.I hate bugs.
Summer or Fall:Fall.
Guys or Girls:Girls.
Quiet or Loud:Both.Don'tcha love how I make the rules on this.
Glasses or Contacts:Glasses.
Cake or Pie:Chocolate cake adn apple pie.
Silver or Gold: Silver.Titanium.
Mud or Jelly:Huh?
Quiet:I suppose.
Obnoxious:According to some people.
Stupid:See above.
Lost: I'm lost,completely.
Depressed:Eh..I like to think of it as "pessimestically optomstic".
Serious:A lot more the I used to be.
Funny:I guess.
Paranoid:Like you woulnd't believe.
Do drugs:See above.
Swear:Fuck no motherfucker.
Like life:Sometimes.
Want kids:Eventually.
Like swimming:Sure.
Wish I could fly:Sometimes.
Believe in myself:Yes
Take a shower everyday:Yep.
Own a digital camera:Yep.
Ever get off of this computer:Nope.
Go to church:>BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!< *wipes away tears* No.
Have any pets:A turtle and a stupid cat.
Have my license:I'm a lazy no.
Believe in aliens:yep,or as it was once said "Give me a steady paycheck and i'll believe anything you say."-Winston Zeddmore,Ghosbusters
Been in love:Yes.Am in currently.
Gotten beat up:Yes.
Been rejected:Yeah.People like to think of it as a sport.
Ran into a wall:No,but i;ve kicked and punched holes in walls.
Broken a bone:Yep.
Television show:Third Watch!
Movie:Ghostbusters and millions others.
Book:Currently reading: Leadership by Rudy Giulliani and American Gods by Neil Gaiman.
Holiday:Groundhog day.
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