Tuesday, February 04, 2003


he-ro Pronunciation: 'hir-(")O, 'hE-(")rO

Function: noun

Inflected Form(s): plural heroes

Etymology: Latin heros, from Greek hErOs

Date: 14th century

1 a : a mythological or legendary figure often of divine descent endowed with great strength or ability b : a person admired for their achievements and noble qualities c : one that shows great courage

I think that sums up the crew of the Columbia. As it says on a plaque at one of the old Apollo launch sites; "Ad Astra Per Aspera" which translates to, "A rough road leads to the stars." The plaque was dedicated originally to the crew of Apollo 1 who were killed in a fire during an on ground test. The plaque also applies to the crew of the Challenger.

All of these crew members did more then complete space missions ,they gave and still give us hope. They help us look to the heavens in wonder. We must not forget the sacrifices they made. We can't lose any more heroes in vain. The crew is not lost. They are and always will be, home.

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